Lindström has developed tools used in specialized applications for the largest names in medical device manufacturing and for small start-up companies developing new technology. Every project receives the same attention to detail and a tool that is right for the job at hand.
You will be able to work directly with production engineers to ensure success. We thrive on solving problems with our customers. The Lindström engineers can design special application tools by working from “before” and “after” components, engineering drawings, or prototypes.
We even build tools drawn on the back of a napkin. It’s that easy!
Lindström goes beyond tools in our dedication to partnership and customer service to understand your unique needs today and anticipate future solutions.
- We utilize extensive R+D customer service to create customized tool solutions
- We always take a hands-on approach, with an unparalleled dedication to collaboration and customer service
If you want to customize your tool together with us, please fill in the request form below: